North Korea2022-10-06T11:44:54-04:00

North Korea

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North Korea, also known by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (or simply North Korea), is an East Asian country. It forms the northern part of the Korean Peninsula. It borders Russia and China at the Yalu-Tumen rivers. South Korea is to its south at the Korean Demilitarized Area. The Yellow Sea forms its western border, while the Sea of Japan defines its eastern boundary. Like its southern counterpart, North Korea claims to be the legitimate government for the entire peninsula and the adjacent islands. Pyongyang, the capital of the country, is also its largest city.

The Empire of Japan annexed Korea in 1910. After the Japanese surrender in World War II, Korea was split into two areas along the 38th Parallel. The Soviet Union occupied the north, and the United States occupied the south. Negotiations for reunification were unsuccessful, and two separate governments were created in 1948: the capitalist Republic of Korea and the socialist DPRK. Korea’s invasion of North Korea in 1950 triggered the Korean War, which lasted until 1953. Although the Korean Armistice Agreement established a demilitarized area and ended the conflict, no formal peace treaty was ever made.

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Top Facts

  • The capital of North Korea is Pyongyang
  • Total Area: 120,538 km²
  • Total Population is around 25.78 million
  • Official Language: Korean
  • There are only 15 approved haircuts
  • They don’t follow the same timeline as Western countries
  • Home to the world’s largest stadium
  • There is a ‘three generations of punishment’ policy
  • The North Korean army is estimated to have more than 1.2 million soldiers
  • Kim Il-sung bought 1,000 Volvo cars from Sweden but never paid for them

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